
Showing posts from July, 2020


Hello Everyone, So I am back with my next post on Method Acting. I hope you aren't procrastinating this pandemic and did practice my instructions for Sense Memory. As I said we will be talking in detail about all aspects of method acting, and so today its gonna be on Affective Memory or rather let me put it in straight words Emotional Memory . Emotions really play an Important part in Day to Day life, but when it comes to an actor how passionately you relate to your emotions and execute it on Screen or Stage is a question!! So without wasting much time lets's head forward to our topic!!                                                     Photo by  Guilherme Almeida  from  Pexels AFFECTIVE MEMORY OR EMOTIONAL MEMORY   INTRODUCTION Emotional memory is basically the way expressing emotions.Emotions doesn't mean  you have...


I hope you all safe and doing well in this Pandemic!! I know at times we feel fatigue or quite drained out, irrespective of not doing the actual work that you are suppose to be doing. But as an Actor, through my blog I'll be introducing well known term that is METHOD ACTING . Many People find it inquisitive to actually know what is method acting.  Today's Blog is dedicated to all those people who are interested in attempting it. Well Method Acting was Previously Developed by Konstantin Stanislavski . Let me give you a brief about him, Stanislavski was a Russian Theatre practitioner and developed methodology regarding "Art Of Representation" or "Art Of Expressionism". In the Year 1898, He founded Moscow Art Theatre (MAT) and began his professional career. Stanislavski has written books like An Actor Prepares. Building A Character.  Creating A Role. At the MAT's 30-year anniversary celebrations in 1928, a massive heart attack on-stage pu...


Well people,its quite a long time that I haven't posted a blog that is an interview sort of, so here's my next post on the Actors who are Maharashtrian who speak and perform in Marathi Me being a Marathi Man felt like sharing this series of interview which will give you an insight of the actors who perform, rehearse and execute their own way and have created their aura in the field of screen and stage acting/film making . So in this post i'll use my regional language to carry forward this set of Interviews!! All thanks to Rang Pandhari Group for these set of interview. You can check out more exclusive stuff and updates on their Youtube channel & Facebook Page. *रंगपंढरी - Rang Pandhari* दिग्गज रंगकर्मींच्या कलाप्रक्रियेचा वेध *मुक्ता बर्वे* Part 1- 7DdfVFDymvE Part 2- v=TEWeqFK8Bos Part 3 - v=jqwz1tPqG2A *दिलीप ...