I hope you all safe and doing well in this Pandemic!! I know at times we feel fatigue or quite drained out, irrespective of not doing the actual work that you are suppose to be doing. But as an Actor, through my blog I'll be introducing well known term that is METHOD ACTING . Many People find it inquisitive to actually know what is method acting. Today's Blog is dedicated to all those people who are interested in attempting it. Well Method Acting was Previously Developed by Konstantin Stanislavski . Let me give you a brief about him, Stanislavski was a Russian Theatre practitioner and developed methodology regarding "Art Of Representation" or "Art Of Expressionism". In the Year 1898, He founded Moscow Art Theatre (MAT) and began his professional career. Stanislavski has written books like An Actor Prepares. Building A Character. Creating A Role. At the MAT's 30-year anniversary celebrations in 1928, a massive heart attack on-stage pu...