
Showing posts with the label RELAXATION


Congratulations to all of you who have reached here, so far we have covered many aspects of method acting techniques. Today here's something new that I want to introduce to you, to which many of you might be aware of i.e is IMPROVISATION , not much importance is given to improvisation technique. So lets begin this journey, it is quite admirable that true improvisations take place on rehearsals. At time situations might prevail that a relentless practice in theatre workshop , help an actor establish a scene or so! But when it comes to commercialized theatre plays, wherein everything is so restricted to a certain entity, it will be great acknowledgement given by the director to improvise to the actor.                                          Photo by  Tima Miroshnichenko  from  Pexels Improvisations includes familiarization with the character, knowing different shade...


How are you guys? I hope you are doing well and things are clear up till now. It's been quite a long time we haven't met,actually I was busy with my prior commitments and so couldn't make it up to. But now that I am back let's further continue discussing about Method Acting and its aspects! So today's topic is CONCENTRATION. Well I remember in my childhood days, my concentration level used to be very weak and couldn't seem to find and alternative but to mug up thinks hardly! that's sad for me but true... Concentration does play an important part in everyone's life. One should always work on this aspect it helps a lot in creativity and dealing things with the best quality outputs. A lot of relaxation adds up to concentration of an actor. An actor needs stage relaxation in order to achieve concentration, either through mental or physical exercises . When it comes to stage, Concentration means the act of centering your attention on a particular object/p...


So today's topic needs not to be explained much! Right or Wrong?..Well even my own perception towards this aspect of Method Acting was previously similar to what everyone sees. So today's topic is Relaxation . And trust me there is a lot that needs to be talked and how can a individual relax in a moderate state or rather let me me quote how is relaxation aspect important in terms of Acting!  Lets begin today's exploration on relaxation, human body has a lot of tension area's that at times make it fatigue either restricts movement or flow like a feather. Actor's natural enemy is tension. Tension basically are of two types physical or mental . These tension are so minute or meticulous in body and hence it becomes difficult to bifurcate the two! Mental Anxiety can cause physical contradiction in body, and,conversely the relief of one bring about the relief of the other. A stiff neck can creep down to shoulders, back and arms. I would put some focus on the doctors ...