
Showing posts from August, 2020


So today's topic needs not to be explained much! Right or Wrong?..Well even my own perception towards this aspect of Method Acting was previously similar to what everyone sees. So today's topic is Relaxation . And trust me there is a lot that needs to be talked and how can a individual relax in a moderate state or rather let me me quote how is relaxation aspect important in terms of Acting!  Lets begin today's exploration on relaxation, human body has a lot of tension area's that at times make it fatigue either restricts movement or flow like a feather. Actor's natural enemy is tension. Tension basically are of two types physical or mental . These tension are so minute or meticulous in body and hence it becomes difficult to bifurcate the two! Mental Anxiety can cause physical contradiction in body, and,conversely the relief of one bring about the relief of the other. A stiff neck can creep down to shoulders, back and arms. I would put some focus on the doctors ...